Change management concept and guidance to accept it.

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Change management concept and guidance to accept it

“The only thing that is Constant is Change” Heraclitus:

Change Management involves the process that ensures a business responds to the environment in which it operates.

Change management is a structural approach to deal with the changes in an organization’s future goal, execution processes, and current technologies. The main purpose is to introduce fresh effective strategies, managing those strategies and aware people to accept those changes.

Incremental Change

This kind of change occur over a period of time in small step by step.  Lots of small changes as a business operates and develops.

Radical Change

This kind of change occur rapidly in an organization. Any type of dramatic change at a time or sometimes major alteration in the business process.

Elements To Change

  • Change in the present strategies or position as a result of boredom.
  • For a better alternative, it is vital to develop a clear vision.
  • Strategy development is necessary to execute changes.
  • There will be resistance to change.

We should welcome organizational change for a better opportunity in the future. There are numerous reasons to accept changes like

  • Opportunities for personal change and development
  • Provides a new challenge
  • Reduces the boredom of work
  • Opportunity to participate and shape the outcome

In any management leadership role is very crucial for any strategic changes

Here are some facts that can define the impact of great leadership.

  • A great leader can create a clear vision for the future
  • For delivering best strategies great leaders can align the organization properly.
  • Sometimes a great leader may act as a figure head for change without even setting any new direction.

Harvard Business School Professor Robert N. Anthony said:

“When it becomes more difficult to suffer than to change… you will change”.

Sometimes change can fail for several reasons for any organization:

  • Employees do not understand the purpose or even the need for change
  • Lack of planning and preparation
  • Poor Communication
  • Employees lack the necessary skills and/or there is insufficient training and development offered
  • Lack of necessary resources
  • Inadequate/inappropriate rewards

A proper Guide to Change Management

Organizations must continually adapt due to shifting market conditions, customer demands, technologies, input costs, shareholder expectations and competition.

Organization must adapt this change in the environment to avoid unnecessary risk, out of the competition and death of the business

The main challenge is to improve your people to take action for better future without any discouragement or distrust.

So the proper way should be take enough action and avoid despair.

Four typical responses to change are the critic who vocally opposes the change, the victim who panics, the bystander who avoids getting involved and the change navigator who is resilient and able to adapt to the new circumstances.

To create change navigators in your organization:

  • Keep explaining why we are changing
  • Where possible, involve your team in decision making
  • Minimize uncertainty
  • Engage your legacy system experts early
  • Be as transparent as possible
  • Create learning opportunities for your team
  • Communicate the threats of not changing
  • Listen to your people’s concerns
  • Celebrate shifts towards the desired state

Carl Jung well said:

“We cannot change anything until we accept it”.

Change Management Process:

Firstly any organization should Prepare for Changes

We should identify the anticipated points of resistance and special tactics based on willingness assessments.

Secondly, they should ready to Managing Change

Organization needs to develop a proper planning for change management. Next, they should take action and implement those plans.

The final step is Strengthening Change

Management should collect and analyze feedbacks. Diagnose different gaps and manage resistance. At last, the organization should implement corrective actions and celebrate its success.

Aritra Ghosh

Results-Oriented, Conscientious, Efficient, Marketing and Communications Manager.

About The Author

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