Infotechsolz is registered under the Govt of India specifically to deal with IT projects.
Infotechsolz was established in 2014 as a website development company, however, due to the changing built environment and the growing needs of our Clients, it became necessary to broaden the services that could be provided by Infotechsolz, so as to offer Information Technology, Designing, Digital Marketing and Mobile Application under one banner.
Infotechsolz has continued to strive towards becoming a complete multi-disciplinary practice offering our Clients the specialist individual attention and solutions required by an ever-changing Industry environment. Infotechsolz sees teamwork on every project as the key success element and is responsible for creating this environment.
The overall project manager and team leaders are duty-bound in ensuring efficient and regular communication to all members at all levels and with our valuable Clients.
Digital presence is not about one website at all to compete in this fast-changing market environment. With this in mind, we offer the solutions below. We are confident that these solutions will overcome the challenges you face for your business while helping you achieve your goals with ease. More than 250 customers get benefited from our solutions till date. They have experienced growth in sales and business revenue.
Every industry faces diverse challenges, however, all requirements and expectations converge in the need to increase competitiveness and succeed in the age of the digital customer. We provide customized solutions for every industry. We understand the business complications and competition first and suggest the best solution to overcome those. We also prefer to utilize modern technologies industry wise.