Best website practice: 5 traditional concepts vs Reality

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Why you should partner with a website development team rather that do it own?

Now a days website has become an essential growth tool for all the businesses. Even it has now turned out to be a proof of existence of your business. Growth without a strong website is not feasible.
Most of us do not know the small differences between a nice looking website and a strong website that actually delivers.
That’s where a professional Web Design Company differs from the rest of the available and cheap solutions.

5 Web Design Myths vs Reality:

1. A nice looking website is a great website:

This is not correct at all unless a nice looking website is made with all the google and standard guidelines.

Being nice is a very relative matter from user perspective unless that is tested and proved with some logic.

With plenty on researches industry has found some basic standards and practices best suitable for user experiences. While making your website you should always try to get professionals who can actually take care of the best practices while developing the website.

2. Having a Mobile Responsive website Helps:

To be honest, a website without mobile responsiveness hurts. Mobile responsive is a must these days and not just an option anymore. In most of the scenario, more people checks your website from mobile than they do from desktop. Ideally, design should be mobile first.

Research shows, now a days more than 60% of users uses mobile for regular browsing. Also google penalize your website and pushes backwards in case
its not perfectly fit for mobile devices. Make sure whether you already have a website of you are going to make a new one, that has to be perfectly fit to all the devices in order to compete in the market.

3. Speed optimization comes after the development is finished:

sounds as ridiculous as if a chef say, “You can add all the spices after the cooking is done”. Similar like any recipe, where you need to add correct spices at correct time, not all together at the end, same in case of a good website, correct optimization precautions and measures should be taken from the very start. Correct things needed to be done at correct time, otherwise it will be like double work on various section on the same website. Doing it correctly at the first not only reduces a lot of stresses but it reduces the time and cost behind this too.

Make sure whether you as a developer or while hiring any professionals or agency, they takes care of the speed optimization. Data shows, probability of bounce increases 32% from 1sec to 3 sec. Every second counts in terms of website load and speeds.

4. Great images and animations are awesome for User experience:

In terms of website, images are great only when they are optimized. There should be difference in sense of “great” between a web developer and a photographer. In case of a photographer images are awesome when they are with super high resolution. But for Web developers images are great only if they loads fast.

And in terms of animations, and effects within a website, those should be used not to showcase the skill of the team but only to attract the visitors to a certain funnels of call to actions. Overwhelming animations extends the loading speed, and also distracts the users from any desired funnel that might be intended for the business.

5. Dynamic website is always better:

Unless someone wants to change website really often, we do not believe the website should be loaded with bunch of codes. We will rather recommend it simple whenever the opportunity comes.

A simple and straight-to-the-point website often returns more than an average dynamic websites. This needs extended consultation with your technical consultant to realize what the actual need for the business. As an example, static HTML website is not at all a good option for ecommerce or, CRM type of things. Where are in case some agency wants a webfront just to showcase what they do and try to get more leads, they might not need a sophisticated high level programmed dynamic website t cover their needs.
Before you decide this is a really major consultation needed to be clarified with some expert.

There are more in the list. And not maintaining any of the best practices can make your website just average and in the group of millions of other “Just Okay” websites available online.

This is why you should always hire professionals to do this work to identify this small gaps and act accordingly.
Check how Infotechsolz can help you to get the job done.

Soumyajit Kundu

Mentoring people and business | Client retention | Strategy Development | Website and Technology Expert for Online Business.

About The Author

With 6+ years of business journey, I had the privilege to work with multiple international as well as domestic clients offering on-strategy, on-brand, and highly effective designs to generate great ideas and build long lasting relationships between brands and their clientele. I have developed directly in person engagement skills for long term client retention and client success. Beside that I love to interact and mentor the aspiring team members toward a dedicated, skillful and successful future.

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